What is Cloud Computing in Networking

Providing customers with on-demand access to a shared pool of reconfigurable computer resources through the internet, cloud computing is the term used in networking to describe the distribution of computing resources and services. Without having to buy or maintain their own gear or infrastructure, customers of cloud computing may access programs, data storage, and processing power. In comparison to traditional computing, cloud computing has a number of advantages, including scalability, flexibility, cost savings, and enhanced security.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service are the three main divisions of cloud computing (SaaS). IaaS gives consumers access to virtualized computing resources including networking, storage, and virtual machines. Without needing to handle the underlying infrastructure, PaaS gives customers a platform for creating, testing, and deploying applications. Users have access to software programs that are hosted and maintained by a third-party supplier through SaaS.

As it enables companies and organizations to quickly access and manage resources in a scalable, flexible, and economical manner, cloud computing has grown to be an essential component of networking. Storage, computation, networking, and security are just a few of the services and solutions that cloud computing companies provide to satisfy different networking requirements. Cloud computing is becoming a more common option for companies of all kinds since it enables firms to swiftly adapt to changing business demands, cut expenses, and boost operational efficiency.

The articles in this Networking series are listed below.

Introduction to Cloud Computing

The phrase “cloud computing” has recently attracted increased attention. Cloud computing services are provided by tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. So, what exactly is this cloud computing that we keep hearing about in our daily lives?

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Fig 1: Cloud Computing 

Cloud computing, to express it clearly, is internet-based on-demand access to computer resources such as applications, servers, data storage, development tools, and analytics. A cloud services provider manages the data center, which is located remotely (CSP).

Cloud computing allows users to store files in a distant database rather than storing them on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device. As long as an electronic device has internet connectivity, it has access to data and the software applications needed to execute it. The CSP charges a monthly fee or charges based on the usage of specific resources.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing represents a significant departure from how organizations have traditionally viewed IT resources. The followings are  of the most prevalent reasons why businesses are turning to cloud computing services:

  • Cost-effective: The cost of cloud computing is solely determined by the quantity of service used by a  user. The services are accessible over the internet. As a result, it removes the capital costs of purchasing hardware and software and maintaining on-site data centers, as well as the costs of hiring IT professionals to manage the infrastructure
  • On-demand resources: Consider the following scenario: an organization needs 20 servers the next day. This is what cloud computing can provide in terms of on-demand resources. The user is not required to forecast or calculate the number of resources he will use in the future.  
  • Disaster recovery:  Cloud providers have distributed their servers over the globe, which is advantageous for a company with a large number of foreign consumers. Cloud providers may easily move users to another server if one of the servers crashes. Furthermore, cloud providers give a data recovery agreement that provides data recovery in the event of a server crash.
  • Data Backup: All the resource data in the cloud can be backed up pretty easily. It is possible to do it manually or automatically. For example, data from the previous month may be required for a company. The organization can decide that and also the frequency of backup.
  • Less deployment time: Rather than spending weeks or even months for IT to reply to a request, acquire and set up the necessary infrastructure, and install software, any organization can start utilizing resources in minutes using the cloud. Developers and data scientists might seek assistance from cloud experts in setting up infrastructure. 

The World of Business

Cloud computing may be used by businesses in a variety of ways. Certain users preserve all applications and information in the cloud, while others employ a hybrid approach, keeping some programs and data on private servers and some in the cloud.

When it comes to offering services, the following companies are major participants in the corporate computing sphere:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure
  • IBM Cloud
  • Alibaba Cloud

Classifications of Cloud Computing

Not all clouds are created equal, and not every sort of cloud computing is appropriate for every situation. Several models, varieties, and services have emerged to enable people to find the best solution for their needs.

Let us now discuss the many sorts of cloud computing that are provided. Deployment models and service models are two major classes.

 - What is Cloud Computing in Networking

Fig 2: Major classes of cloud computing.

Deployments Models

There are three ways to deploy cloud services depending on the type of cloud deployment or cloud computing architecture on which the cloud services will be implemented: public cloud,

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Fig 3: Types of deployment models.

private cloud, or hybrid cloud. For understanding the different types of deployments model we start from the very basic of networking. Assume a developer launches a Flask/Django app on his laptop. Because it is not connected to a public IP address, the app will not be available outside of localhost. To do so, he must get a public IP address from an internet service provider (ISP). As a result, the app may be accessed from anywhere over the internet.

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Now consider a bigger scenario in which, instead of a single app, numerous things are running in organization A. The company has a server rack where they install all of their programs such as e-commerce, databases, and various websites. All of the applications have their own public IP address and are linked to a switch and then a router, allowing internet users to access them. 

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Private Cloud

If all of those servers are for the personal use of an organization and are not for sale. This sort of configuration is known as a private cloud. The term “private cloud” refers to any cloud system that is only used by one organization. Cloud computing resources in the private cloud are not shared with any other organization.

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Public Cloud

Third-party cloud service providers own public clouds, which distribute computing resources such as servers and storage via the Internet.  The cloud provider owns and manages the hardware, software, and other infrastructure required in a public cloud. Companies may access these services and manage their accounts using a web browser.

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Hybrid Cloud

Any cloud infrastructure architecture that includes both public and private clouds is referred to as a hybrid cloud. The resources are usually managed as part of a larger infrastructure environment. Organizations can employ private cloud platforms for their operations and supplement the infrastructure with public cloud resources to handle sudden surges in network traffic. 

Service Models

Infratructure as a Service (IAAS):

Platform as a Service (PAAS):

Software as a Service (SAAS):

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