Tutorial Series: Computer Science

The study of computers and computing technologies, including their design, development, and application, is known as computer science. It covers a wide range of subjects, including artificial intelligence, computer architecture, programming languages, algorithms, data structures, software engineering, and more.

Understanding how computers operate and how to utilize them to carry out activities and solve issues across a range of industries is the focus of computer science. It is a very multidisciplinary area that incorporates ideas from physics, engineering, mathematics, and other fields.

A vast range of businesses, including software development, data analysis, robotics, artificial intelligence, and more, employ computer science. In order to comprehend complicated systems and events, computer models and simulations are utilized in study domains including computational biology, computational chemistry, and computational physics.

In the discipline of computer science, new methods and technologies are continually being developed. So, in order to stay current and continue to be productive in their profession, computer scientists must constantly acquire new information and adapt to changing circumstances. They could work in a range of contexts, such as non-profit organizations, government, industry, and academia.

What is Cloud Computing in Networking

Providing customers with on-demand access to a shared pool of reconfigurable computer resources through the internet, cloud computing is the term used in networking...

What is Private/Public IP in Networking

An address given to a device inside a private network that is not directly reachable from the internet is known as a private IP address in networking. Private IP...

What is the Range of IP Address

Devices on a network are uniquely identified by their IP addresses, which are numerical identifiers. The Internet Protocol (IP) version being utilized determines...

What is VPC in AWS Cloud Computing

 Users can launch Amazon resources in a specified virtual network by using a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which is a virtual network environment. For executing...

Linux: Introduction to Linux and Its Distributions

Journey to Linux: Choosing the DistributionGreetings, travelers! Are you here to get the ball rolling with your Linux journey? Bear with me as I guide you through...

Linux: Command Line Interface

Command Line The command line, also known as the command-line interface (CLI), is a text-based interface used to interact with a computer’s operating...

Linux: How to use the Text-Fu Command in Linux

Text-Fu is a command-line tool available in Linux that is primarily used for manipulating text. It provides a wide range of text-based operations that can be executed...

Linux: How to use the Advanced Text-Fu Command in Linux

Advanced Text-FuAdvanced Text-Fu is a set of tools and techniques used to manipulate and transform text in Linux. It includes various command line utilities and...

Linux: How to Manage Users & Groups in Linux

Users and GroupsFile access and ownership in Linux, like any other operating system, is permission-based. The distribution allows to create of different users...

Linux: How to Change File Permission in Linux

File PermissionsLinux allows several users to access the system. As a result, it must protect the safety of all users. It protects users from making unauthorized...

Check Our Ebook for This Online Course

Advanced topics are covered in this ebook with many examples.

Python Advanced: What are the Coroutine and Subroutine in Python
A Coroutine in PythonFunction, which is also referred to as a subroutine, procedure, subprocess, etc.,...
Implementing The LAN using Cisco Packet Tracer
Using Cisco Packet Tracer to implement a LAN is an excellent approach to test and simulate network configurations...
Configuring Static Routing
You connected your and Hermione’s networks to Ron’s network in the previous tutorial. Hermione...