Tutorial Category: Python

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is used for a wide range of applications, from desktop applications to web development, data analysis, and machine learning. It was created in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum and has since become one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Some of the key features of Python include:

Easy to learn and use: Python has a clean and simple syntax that is easy to read and write, making it an ideal language for beginners.

Interpreted: Python code is executed line by line by an interpreter, which makes it easy to test and debug.

Dynamically typed: Python is a dynamically typed language, which means that variable types are determined at runtime.

Object-oriented: Python is a fully object-oriented language, which means that everything in Python is an object.

Portable: Python code can be run on any platform that has a Python interpreter installed, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Python is used extensively in web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. It is also commonly used for scripting and automation tasks, such as system administration and web scraping. Some popular frameworks and libraries for Python include Django, Flask, NumPy, pandas, and TensorFlow.

Python Basic - An Introduction to Python Programming

Introduction to PythonThere are many high-level languages. The language you will be learning is Python. Python is one of the easiest languages to learn and use,...

Python Basic - How to setup the local environment and run python

Local Environment Setup for PythonIf you are a Linux or Mac user, you already have Python on your computer. As of the writing of this course (May 2022), Python...

Python Basic - How to use String in python

What is String in python?The string is the most important data type in Python. A set of characters or some word sequences is usually called a string. In Python,...

Python Basic - Mathematical operations by python

Some basic operationsMathematical calculations can be easily done on the Python console. So open the Python Interpreter again.The results can be easily found...

Python Basic - A Basic Guide to Python Type Conversion and Variable

Type conversionDatatype conversion means converting a variable from one type to another. It is also called typecasting. Python has some built-in functions for...

Python Basic - How to use Operators in Python

Python OperatorsOperators in Python are used to perform various operations on variables and values. They are an essential part of the language and are used to...

Python Basic - Conditional Statements in the Control Structure in Python

Concept of Boolean in Conditional StatementsA boolean is a data type that can have one of two values: true or false. They are often used to represent the true...

Python Basic - Boolean logic and Operators Precedence in Python

Boolean logic in PythonBoolean logic is used to create complex conditions for the if statement. That is, if an if statement depends on more than one condition,...

Python Basic - While Loop in the Control Structure in Python

While Loop in Control Structure of PythonIn some previous sections, we have seen how a code block can be run if the condition of an if statement is true. If the...

Python Basic - What is The List in Python

List in PythonThere are 6 types of built-in types in Python. They are – Numeric, Sequence, Mapping, Class, Instance, and Exception. The most basic data...

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In the field of data analysis and manipulation, effective analysis and visualization depend heavily on...
Linux: How to Change File Permission in Linux
File PermissionsLinux allows several users to access the system. As a result, it must protect the...
Intro To Network Programming
Network applications are the reason for a computer network’s existence — if we couldn’t think...