What are the differences between node.js and node?

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In the context of the Linux filesystem, a “node” refers to an inode, which is a data structure that stores metadata about a file or directory. Each file or directory on a Linux filesystem is represented by an inode.

In the context of software development and programming, “Node.js” is a runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine and provides an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it well-suited for building scalable network applications.

Node.js allows developers to use JavaScript on the server-side to build web applications, APIs, command-line tools, and more. It provides a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, making it popular for web development.

To clarify, when people commonly refer to “node” in the context of software development, they are typically referring to Node.js rather than the inode in the Linux filesystem. However, context is important, so it’s always good to clarify which “node” is being referred to.

Install nodejs in Linux

It is recommended that web developers install Node.js on their computers, whether they are working on the front end or the back end.

However, using the standard sudo apt install nodejs command could install a very outdated version of Node, which could cause you problems.
As a result, you should install a certain version, which calls for a separate command. This will install Node.js’s LTS (Long-Term Support) version, which is helpful for developers as it offers extended support.
I’m going to walk you through installing the most recent LTS version of Node on your Linux computer today.

Any Linux operating system that is based on Debian, such as Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin, Elementary OS, and so on, can use this method. It will function regardless of whether you use it in a virtual machine (such as VMware Workstation, VirtualBox, or similar) or as your primary operating system, secondary operating system, or WSL on Windows.

Upgrade your system software.

You should first confirm that you have previously installed all of the updates. Since I prefer working in the terminal most of the time, I’ll install the updates there.

Use sudo apt update in the terminal to update all applicable packages to their most recent versions. When it requests your password, enter it.

sudo apt update

This command updates the package lists for available packages and their versions but does not install or upgrade any packages.

sudo apt upgrade -y

This command upgrades all the currently installed packages to their latest versions. The -y flag automatically answers “yes” to any prompts that might come up during the upgrade process, ensuring it runs without requiring manual confirmation.

Here, we’re installing Node using the Node Version Manager (NVM). Installing Node and npm via the NVM has many benefits, including letting us manage several Node.js versions on the same system.

If curl isn’t currently installed on your computer, you must first install it. The following command can be used to install curl:

sudo apt install curl -y

To be sure that Node.js has been installed successfully on your system, you must now perform these instructions.

Install NVM, or Node Version Manager.

Use this command to install the Node Version Manager (NVM)

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.0/install.sh | bash

This particular command causes curl to download the NVM installation script from that particular URL. The identical script is then run by bash to install NVM.

Active NVM

Utilize the following command to turn on the NVM:

source ~/.bashrc

Install the latest LTS version of Node

nvm install --lts

This command uses NVM to install the latest LTS (Long-Term Support) version of Node.js. LTS versions are stable releases that are supported for an extended period, making them suitable for production use.

Set NVM as the default LTS version.
Although the most recent LTS version of Node has been installed, we still need to set the default version of NVM so that it is always utilized first when we require it. To achieve such, use the command below. Make sure the version matches the LTS version that is currently installed on your computer.

nvm alias default 18.18.2

This sets the installed Node.js version 18.18.2 as the default version to be used by NVM. This means that whenever you open a new terminal session, this version of Node.js will be automatically selected unless overridden.

Verify that Node was set up.
To find out if the default version is the same as the one you just installed, use the command below:

node -v npm -v

Happy Coding with Nodejs!

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