JavaScript post request like a form submit

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Method of Post requests just like a form submission in JavaScript.

In JavaScript, you can use the ‘fetch()’ function to send a POST request to a server, which is similar to submitting a form. The ‘fetch()’ function returns a promise that resolves to the response from the server.

Here’s an example of how to send a POST request with a JSON payload:

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    key1: 'value1',
    key2: 'value2'
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error(error));

In this example, the ‘fetch()’ function is used to send a POST request to the ‘’ URL. The ‘method’ property is set to ‘  ‘POST’  ‘ to indicate that this is a POST request. The ‘headers’ property is used to set the ‘Content-Type’ header to ‘application/json’, indicating that the body of the request is in JSON format. The ‘body’ property is used to set the data that will be sent in the request body.

If the server returns a JSON response, you can use the ‘response.json()’ method to parse the response and access the data.

In case of submitting a form, you can use the ‘FormData’ object to create a payload that can be sent with the ‘fetch’ method.

var formData = new FormData(document.getElementById('form-id'));
fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  body: formData
}).then(response => response.text())
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

In this example, the ‘FormData’ object is created from the form element with the id of “form-id”. The ‘fetch’ function is used to send a POST request to the server with the form data as the body of the request.

It’s important to note that, in both examples above, the server should be configured to handle POST request, and the client should have the correct permissions to send the request.

Dynamically create a form then submit it

To create dynamically generated input fields in a form using JavaScript, you can use the ‘document.createElement()’ method to create new input elements, and then use the ‘appendChild()’ method to add them to the form.

Here’s an example of how you might create a new input field and add it to a form using JavaScript:

const form = document.getElementById("myForm");
const addButton = document.getElementById("addInput");

addButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
  const newInput = document.createElement("input");
  newInput.type = "text"; = "dynamicInput";

And here is how you might attach an event listener to the form’s submit button to collect the data from the dynamically generated fields and submit it to a server-side script:

form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
  const inputs = document.getElementsByName("dynamicInput");
  const data = [];
  for(let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
  // make an ajax call or use formData to submit the data

In the above example, the data is collected from the inputs and stored in an array. Then the data can be sent to a server-side script for processing by making an AJAX call or creating a FormData object to submit the data

A POST request is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server. It is typically used when you need to send data to a server-side script or API to create or update a resource, such as creating a new user account, uploading a file, or updating a database record.

Here are some examples of when a POST request might be used:

  • Submitting a form: When a user fills out a form on a website and clicks the submit button, the data from the form is sent to the server as a POST request.
  • Uploading a file: When a user uploads a file to a server, the file is sent to the server as part of a POST request.
  • Creating a resource: When a user creates a new resource, such as a new user account or a new item in a shopping cart, the data for the new resource is sent to the server as a POST request.
  • Updating a resource: When a user updates an existing resource, such as updating their account information or updating an item in their shopping cart, the updated data is sent to the server as a POST request.

It’s worth noting that POST requests should not be used for operations that are intended to be idempotent, meaning that the operation can be repeated multiple times without changing the result. For example, a GET request is more appropriate for retrieving data from the server, while a PUT request is more appropriate for updating a resource.

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