JavaScript Move Element

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How to Move an Element in JavaScript using DOM Manipulation

You can move an element on a web page using the Document Object Model (DOM) API. The DOM allows you to manipulate the structure and content of a web page dynamically, including moving elements around in the HTML hierarchy.

Here’s how to move an element in JavaScript using DOM manipulation:

1.Select the element you want to move using the document.querySelector() method. This method takes a CSS selector as its argument and returns the first element that matches the selector.

const elementToMove = document.querySelector('.element-to-move');

2. Select the new parent element where you want to move the element to using the same document.querySelector() method.

const newParentElement = document.querySelector('.new-parent-element');

3. Use the appendChild() method of the new parent element to move the element to its new location. This method appends the element as the last child of the new parent element.


4. If you want to move the element to a specific position among the children of the new parent element, you can use the insertBefore() method instead of appendChild(). This method takes two arguments: the element to move, and the element before which the moved element should be inserted.

const siblingElement = newParentElement.querySelector('.sibling-element');
newParentElement.insertBefore(elementToMove, siblingElement);

In this example, the siblingElement variable contains a reference to the element before which we want to insert the elementToMove. The insertBefore() method inserts the elementToMove before the siblingElement.

5. If you want to move the element to a different position in the same parent element, you can use the insertBefore() method of the parent element. This method works the same way as the insertBefore() method of the new parent element.

const parentElement = elementToMove.parentNode;
const siblingElement = parentElement.querySelector('.sibling-element');
parentElement.insertBefore(elementToMove, siblingElement);

In this example, the parentElement variable contains a reference to the parent element of the elementToMove. We then use the same insertBefore() method as in step 4 to move the elementToMove before the siblingElement.

In summary, moving an element in JavaScript using DOM manipulation involves selecting the element and its new parent, and using the appendChild() or insertBefore() method to move the element to its new location. You can also specify the position among the children of the new parent element or the same parent element using the insertBefore() method.

Using jQuery to Move Elements in JavaScript

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies many common tasks in web development, including DOM manipulation. Moving elements on a web page is one of the tasks that jQuery can help with.

Here’s how to use jQuery to move elements in JavaScript:

1.Select the element you want to move using the jQuery selector $(). This method takes a CSS selector as its argument and returns a jQuery object that represents the selected element.

const $elementToMove = $('.element-to-move');

2. Select the new parent element where you want to move the element to using the same $() method.

const $newParentElement = $('.new-parent-element');

3. Use the jQuery appendTo() method to move the element to its new location. This method appends the selected element as the last child of the target element.


4. If you want to move the element to a specific position among the children of the new parent element, you can use the insertBefore() method instead of appendTo(). This method works the same way as the JavaScript insertBefore() method.

const $siblingElement = $('.sibling-element');

In this example, the $siblingElement variable contains a reference to the element before which we want to insert the $elementToMove. The insertBefore() method inserts the $elementToMove before the $siblingElement.

5. If you want to move the element to a different position in the same parent element, you can use the insertBefore() method of the parent element. This method works the same way as in step 4.

In this example, the $parentElement variable contains a reference to the parent element of the $elementToMove. We then use the same insertBefore() method as in step 4 to move the $elementToMove before the $siblingElement.

In summary, moving elements with jQuery is similar to moving elements with plain JavaScript. You use the $() method to select the element and its new parent, and the appendTo() or insertBefore() method to move the element to its new location. You can also specify the position among the children of the new parent element or the same parent element using the insertBefore() method.

Creating a Draggable Element with Vanilla JavaScript

Drag and drop functionality is a popular user interface element on many modern web applications. In this article, we will explore how to create a draggable element using vanilla JavaScript.

To create a draggable element, we will need to use the following event listeners:

  • mousedown event to detect when the user starts to drag the element
  • mousemove event to track the movement of the mouse
  • mouseup event to detect when the user stops dragging the element

Let’s see how to implement these event listeners in code:

const draggableElement = document.querySelector('.draggable');

draggableElement.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
  let initialX = event.clientX;
  let initialY = event.clientY;

  function moveElement(event) {
    let currentX = event.clientX;
    let currentY = event.clientY;

    let deltaX = currentX - initialX;
    let deltaY = currentY - initialY; = draggableElement.offsetLeft + deltaX + 'px'; = draggableElement.offsetTop + deltaY + 'px';

    initialX = currentX;
    initialY = currentY;

  function stopElement(event) {
    document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveElement);
    document.removeEventListener('mouseup', stopElement);

  document.addEventListener('mousemove', moveElement);
  document.addEventListener('mouseup', stopElement);

Drag and drop functionality is a popular user interface element on many modern web applications. In this article, we will explore how to create a draggable element using vanilla JavaScript.

To create a draggable element, we will need to use the following event listeners:

  • mousedown event to detect when the user starts to drag the element
  • mousemove event to track the movement of the mouse
  • mouseup event to detect when the user stops dragging the element

In this code snippet, we first select the draggable element using document.querySelector(). We then add a mousedown event listener to this element. When the user clicks on the element, we store the initial X and Y positions of the mouse pointer relative to the top-left corner of the element.

We then define two inner functions, moveElement() and stopElement(). The moveElement() function is called whenever the mousemove event is fired on the document. This function calculates the change in the X and Y positions of the mouse pointer relative to the initial position, and updates the left and top CSS properties of the element accordingly.

The stopElement() function is called whenever the mouseup event is fired on the document. This function removes the mousemove and mouseup event listeners from the document, which stops the element from being dragged.

Finally, we add the moveElement() and stopElement() functions as event listeners to the mousemove and mouseup events on the document, respectively.

With these event listeners in place, the user can now click and drag the element around the page. The left and top CSS properties of the element are updated on each mousemove event, causing the element to move accordingly.

Implementing Drag and Drop Functionality in JavaScript

Drag and drop functionality is a useful feature for web applications. It allows users to interact with elements on a page by dragging them and dropping them in different locations. In this article, we will explore how to implement drag and drop functionality in JavaScript.

To implement drag and drop functionality, we will use the following event listeners:

  • dragstart event to detect when the user starts to drag an element
  • drag event to track the movement of the element being dragged
  • dragend event to detect when the user stops dragging an element
  • dragover event to detect when the user drags an element over a drop zone
  • drop event to detect when the user drops an element onto a drop zone

Let’s see how to implement these event listeners in code:

const draggables = document.querySelectorAll('.draggable');
const dropzones = document.querySelectorAll('.dropzone');

draggables.forEach(draggable => {
  draggable.addEventListener('dragstart', () => {

  draggable.addEventListener('dragend', () => {

dropzones.forEach(dropzone => {
  dropzone.addEventListener('dragover', event => {

  dropzone.addEventListener('dragleave', () => {

  dropzone.addEventListener('drop', event => {
    const draggable = document.querySelector('.dragging');

In this code snippet, we first select all draggable elements and all drop zones using document.querySelectorAll(). We then add event listeners to each draggable element.

When the user starts dragging a draggable element, the dragstart event is fired, and we add a dragging class to the element. When the user stops dragging the element, the dragend event is fired, and we remove the dragging class from the element.

We also add event listeners to each drop zone. When the user drags an element over a drop zone, the dragover event is fired, and we prevent the default behavior of the browser, which is to not allow the element to be dropped. We also add a hovered class to the drop zone. When the user leaves the drop zone, the dragleave event is fired, and we remove the hovered class from the drop zone.

Finally, when the user drops an element onto a drop zone, the drop event is fired, and we prevent the default behavior of the browser. We then select the draggable element using document.querySelector(), and append it to the drop zone using dropzone.appendChild(). We also remove the hovered class from the drop zone.

With these event listeners in place, the user can now drag and drop elements between different drop zones on the page. The dragstart, drag, and dragend events are fired when the user drags a draggable element, and the dragover, dragleave, and drop events are fired when the user interacts with a drop zone.

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