Blog Tag: Design Patterns

Mastering Design Patterns: A Guide for Software Developers

The foundation of effective and maintainable software development is software design patterns. These are the tried-and-true fixes for the common design issues that...

Test-Driven Development with OOP: Building Robust Software through TDD

Within the field of software development, Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a unique technique that places a higher priority on developing tests than on implementing...

Best Practices for Writing Clean and Maintainable Object-Oriented Code

In the realm of software development, achieving clean and maintainable code is essential to creating software systems that are scalable, robust, and long-lasting....

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Advanced topics are covered in this ebook with many examples.

Python Remove Extension from Filename
Extension of FileAn extension of a file is the part of the file name that follows the last dot (.)...
How do I clone a list so that it doesn't change unexpectedly after assignment?
IntroductionWhen working with lists in Python, one common source of confusion for many developers...
Python Intermediate: How to use the Collections Module in Python part – II
Collection Modules in PythonPython’s collection Module provides various types of containers. A Container...