Blog Category: Micro SaaS

Beyond Monoliths: The Future of SaaS Lies in Microservice Opportunities

Microservices, the buzzword lighting up the tech world since the late 2000s, is stealing the spotlight today.  Google searches for “microservices” have doubled...

Microservices and SaaS Bussiness: Top 10 Opportunities for Growth

Ready to dive into the fascinating world of microservices architecture? Join us on a journey where global giants like Amazon, Coca-Cola, and Zalando are reshaping...

Service-Oriented Success: Microservices Easing the Way for SaaS Innovation

While SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) isn’t a novel concept in the business realm, it has, for a considerable time, been predominantly associated with the IT...

Check Our Ebook for This Online Course

Advanced topics are covered in this ebook with many examples.

GUI Programming In Java - PART ONE
A graphical interface is required when developing applications for other people to use. You want a graphical...
Convert Object to Map in JavaScript
Introduction to the Map object in JavaScriptThe Map object is a built-in data structure that allows...
The Relationship Between Application Layer And transport Layer
Applications Can Access Transportation ServicesLet us now look at the transport services that are...